Registered exporter
What is the registered exporter?
The Registered Exporter system (REX system) is a certification-of-origin mechanism based on the principle of self-certification, allowing economic operators to declare the origin of goods themselves through statements on origin. To qualify, an economic operator must be registered in a database by competent authorities, acquiring the status of a “registered exporter.”
The REX system encompasses the entire certification-of-origin process, not just the underlying IT system for exporter registration. It is currently utilized by EU exporters in specific Free Trade Agreements (FTAs), the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP), and the Overseas Association Decision.
The REX IT system, developed by the European Commission, operates as a web application accessible with a username and password. Its main functionalities include exporter registration, modification of registration data, and revocation of exporters. Competent authorities maintain an accurate repository of registered exporters.
Published REX system data is available online, allowing economic operators to verify the validity of registered exporters’ statements on origin. The decision to publish registration data, or a subset thereof, is at the discretion of the registered exporter.
In the EU, the REX system is applied by exporters in various scenarios, such as exporting goods to GSP beneficiary countries, Overseas Countries and Territories (OCTs), and third countries with specific FTAs. Notable agreements include those with Canada, Japan, Vietnam, Singapore, and the UK.
The system also extends to OCTs following the Overseas Association Decision since January 1, 2020. The REX system replaces the use of certificates of origin EUR.1 or origin declarations made out by approved exporters.
The application of the REX system varies among GSP beneficiary countries, with different effective dates based on their readiness. A transition period allows for a gradual shift from the previous system of certificates of origin Form A to the REX system.
Several EU partner countries have adopted the REX system for declaring the origin of their goods exported to the EU under preferential trade agreements. Notable countries include Côte d’Ivoire, Madagascar, Zimbabwe, and Seychelles.
In conclusion, the REX system streamlines the certification-of-origin process, providing flexibility and efficiency for economic operators engaged in international trade.