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Carnet ATA
The ATA Carnet is a customs document that allows goods to be temporarily exported and imported without having to pay customs duties or temporary taxes. It is used to simplify the temporary import and export procedures of goods destined for commercial events, exhibitions, fairs, samples, installations, or similar activities.
- Structure: The ATA Carnet consists of several modules, including:
- A cover sheet, which provides general information about the holder of the Carnet and the goods covered by the document.
- Detachable vouchers or coupons, which must be presented to the customs authorities at departure and arrival to record the entry and exit of the goods.
- A detailed list of goods covered by the Carnet, including descriptions, quantities, values, and other relevant details.
- Usage: The ATA Carnet is used when goods need to be temporarily exported from one country to be used or exhibited abroad, and subsequently re-imported into the same country without having to pay customs duties or temporary taxes. The goods must be returned in the same condition as they were exported, and their use must be of a temporary and non-commercial nature.
- Geographical Coverage: The ATA Carnet is accepted in over 80 countries and territories worldwide, including major industrialized countries and key destinations for trade fairs and exhibitions.
- Benefits: The main advantages of the ATA Carnet include:
- Simplification of customs procedures.
- Saving time and money by avoiding the need to pay customs duties or temporary taxes.
- Facilitation of international trade and cross-border business relationships.
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